Thank you for choosing Allaymeds Compounding Pharmacy for your compounding needs.

Thank you for choosing Allaymeds Compounding Pharmacy for your compounding needs. We are the Compounding Experts!

At Allaymeds Compounding Pharmacy we provide quality medications along with courteous and personalized service. Our pharmacists have attended formalized training from the Professional Compounding Centers of America (PCCA) and our technicians have been specially trained in the art of compounding.

We work very closely with you and your doctor to ensure that you get the best possible results from your compounded medication. We also strive to provide the most economical options for you. We take great care to offer the highest quality compounded medications and stand behind all our products. We specialize in customized medications for women, men, children. We take pride in our affordable prices and outstanding customer service. Please feel free to contact us for more information.